Sunday, June 28, 2009

Engaging web2.0 to go greener

LAMP Technology + a simple logic for radius search + thinking in web2.0 way for greener life =
I am really happy the way people behind it made it a platform to fuel a greener lifestyle. I am proud to be part of the team and could help to realize the thoughts on technology front.
The Village Greener aims to help you find and fuel your greener lifestyle by equipping you with intelligence and opportunities for action. The Village Greener encourages those interested in making ecologically sound daily lifestyle choices to gather here — and then to share, learn and do things to live a little greener. Everyday. In small ways that add up to big change.
One may see features like rating a listing, calendar events, a website blog, having teasers for people through media like books, videos. But blending the same to give a very simple and intuitive platform for users who want to propogate their green lifestyle is unique.
The most important thing in the site was navigability and search.
Enabling users to search their product nearest to them, "local" to them. Knowing more about a service provider who is also providing service in other locations.
Technologies chosen to shape up the things
1) mod_rewrite for enabling SEF urls
2) Joomla 1.5 to act as backend CMS
3) SOBI Radius search plugin with many customisations for ZIP search
4) Rating component
5) Events and Calendar component to publish event
6) Javascript gadgets for video sharing

The beta to be released soon and will write more once its open.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New release of RDR

As came new rails 2.3 with more n more new stuff and making your app more DRY ( Do not Repeat Yourself) I have gone ahead and released new RDR Rails Dynamic Routes for rails 2.3.
The new release RDR2_3_2 is implemented in Rails 2.3.2 and compatible with Rails 2.2.x and above. I made some changes in new release like create actions with web-service support. for this I have used "respond_to" feature of Action Controller which determines the desired response format(html/xml) from the HTTP Accept header submitted by the client.

Hopefully you will like it..